Welcome Coaches!

EBU provides coaches with resources to help them with their team practices and games.  In addition to coaching clinics, coaches receive an online subscription to Youth Soccer 101 which provides them with an age-appropriate practice plan every week via email. Each plan includes animation and video of the activities.  EBU Recreational Coaching Director Robert Williams is also available to assist coaches as needed.

U6-U8 Referee Refresher

EBU Recreational Director Robert Williams holds a clinic each season to help coaches and volunteer referees develop a better understanding of the rules for U6 through U8 soccer. At this clinic, Coach Williams will review the rules for U6-U8 soccer, answer questions, and provide coaches and/or volunteer parents with the resources they need to help them feel more comfortable and confident in their referee role.  Times to be announced.


Y1 State Coaching Course

Want to become a state-licensed coach? Consider attending a WYSA coaching course. The Y1 certificate is a three-hour introductory course aimed at coaches working with U6-U10 children playing recreational soccer. The course exposes coaches to the essentials involved coaching young players. The traits of young players are discussed and coaches receive information about appropriate practice activities for your age group. According to Jim Launder, WYSA associate director of coaching, “The Y1 course is designed to help both experienced and novice coaches organize enjoyable activities where soccer skills and tactics are taught.” The Y1 remains the minimum license level required to coach in Wisconsin.

For more information about the Y1 course, CLICK HERE.

Additional Links

EBU Recreational Rules – All Ages
EBU Recreational Rules for U6-U8 Games
EBU Recreational Player Pass Policy
Recreational Referee Fees
Recreational Small-Sided Games Chart
EBU Rainout Policy
WYSA Grassroots Coaching Courses
WYSA Coaching Resources