Up-To-Date Cancellation Notices Are On This Website’s Homepage.
Elmbrook United (EBU) Soccer may cancel the entire day’s game schedule, if the weather has created field drainage problems during the week, or if a large amount of rain is predicted for the day. Severe weather or snow may also cause a total club cancellation. Please check the EBU website for any cancellations. If games are cancelled, it will be posted by 3:00 pm during the week and 8:00 am weekends.
If a Saturday cancellation decision is made, cancelled games will be made up on the designated rainout, make-up day. Only one total club cancellation on Saturday, that occurs during September for fall and April for spring, will be made up. Any other total club cancellations during the season are not rescheduled. This is only for EBU Soccer recreational home games.
If EBU closes its fields during the week, and a game is cancelled, both teams should contact the EBU office to reschedule the game.
Individual games also may be cancelled by a referee due to severe weather, rain, or lightning. If a referee cancels a game, and the game’s first half was completed, that game is considered a full game. If a referee calls a game during the first half, the teams should contact the EBU office to reschedule the game.
Practices: Unless the City of Brookfield/Village of Elm Grove have closed fields, practices are cancelled at the discretion of each individual coach. Teams should not practice on fields (or in front of goals) that are extremely wet or have standing water. Side grass should be used. If field are closed by the City of Brookfield/Village of Elm Grove, coaches will be contacted by the EBU office.