Elmbrook United recreational teams may elect to have up to four club pass players added to their game day roster – if they are in danger of forfeiting a game because they do not have enough players to field a team or because they do not have any substitute players for a game. (If you need club pass players, contact the EBU Recreational Coaching Director and he will help you secure players.)
Follow these Rules:*
U6/U7/U8 – Team has 4 players-add 2. Team has 3 players-add 3. Team has 2 or less players-add 4.
U9/U10 – Team has 7 players-add 2. Team has 6 players-add 3. Team has 5 or less players-add 4.
U11/U12 – Team has 9 players-add 2. Team has 8 players-add 3. Team has 7 or less players-add 4.
U13/U14/U15 – Team has 11 players-add 2. Team has 10 players-add 3. Team has 9 or less players-add 4.
*Following these rules, teams are limited to using no more than 4 club pass players in a game and are limited to having no more than two subs per game.
- All club pass players must be Elmbrook United recreational players. No select or academy players can play on a recreational team as a club pass player.
- No players outside of Elmbrook United can play on an Elmbrook recreational team as a club pass player. The club pass is designated as an interclub player arrangement and is not intended to be used as an arrangement between two different clubs. Therefore, all club pass players must be registered Elmbrook United recreational players.
- All players’ first obligation shall be to the recreational team they were rostered to for the seasonal year. Players can only play for another team if the game does not conflict with their rostered team’s schedule.
- Club pass field players should not start the game, unless there are not enough field players, originally rostered to the team, to start the game. (Exception: At U9 and above, a club pass player who is a goalie may start the game.)
- Club pass field players should not play more minutes than a field player originally rostered to the team. (Exception: At U9 and above, a club pass player who is a goalie may play more minutes than a field player originally rostered to the team.)
- Players cannot play up more than one age group level, unless the player is normally rostered to the higher-aged level team roster.
- Elmbrook United and Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association do not allow players to play down an age level.
- Male players cannot play in female leagues. They can only play in coed/male leagues.