EBU’s long-term vision for Voigt Soccer Park is to add state-of-the-art turf playing surfaces to 3 fields at Voigt Soccer Park over 3 phases.

Phase 1 would see the conversion of the Stadium Field West to a full-size turf field that would provide Elmbrook United’s 2000+ families the ability to train and play in almost any weather conditions. The field would be able to accommodate 2 U11/U12 fields sideways and provide a large enough surface area to allow for multiple teams to practice concurrently. EBU’s Recreation, Academy, and Select Programs will all have access and benefit from the turf field. Phase 2 would see the conversion of a grass Academy Field and Phase 3 would see the conversion of the Stadium Field East.

Why Elmbrook United needs Turf Fields:

  • To provide EBU families with top-flight training and game experiences
  • Gain the ability to train and play in almost all-weather conditions
  • State of the art playing surface with greater consistency for training and games
  • Fewer resources and costs are required to maintain
  • Venue to host regional and state games and other high-profile events

Benefits of becoming a Sponsorship Partner of Elmbrook United:

  • Regional and local brand exposure to thousands of families throughout Wisconsin and beyond
  • Direct communication and interaction with Elmbrook United families in Brookfield, Elm Grove, and surrounding communities
  • Company Recognition through Field Naming Rights, Logo Placement on Scoreboard, Sideline,  or Center Circle
  • Company promotion through EBU’s Social Media Platforms and website.
  • In-person Company opportunities at EBU’s 4 annual tournaments
  • Opportunity to support a local non-profit tax-exempt organization that promotes a positive and fun family experience
  • Be a part of the success of Elmbrook United players

Our Goal: $2.4 Million

To make a turf field a reality, we need to raise $1 Million between our Community Partners, Club Member Families, and the Club itself. The club has been planning for this for several years now and has committed $500,000 from our reserve funds towards the project. For the remainder of the funding, we’re seeking out local and regional businesses to partner with.

We have an aggressive goal of completing Phase 1 funding by March 31st, 2022. This would allow us to do the necessary grading and engineering work in July and August of 2022 with the goal of playing on the new turf surface to start the Fall 2022 season.

Message from the Board

Project Phases

Phase 1 Goal: $1M
BLEACHERS: $52,000

Phase 2 Goal: $387,000
BLEACHERS: $26,000

Phase 3 Goal: $950,000
BLEACHERS: $52,000

Funding to Date

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$2,400,000Raised $785,681 towards the $2,400,000 target.$785,681$1,000,000$1,387,000Raised $785,681 towards the $2,400,000 target.33%

Make a Donation

  • Donate by Credit Card – Click the “Donate Securely Online” button. You will be redirected to a secure credit card donation website.

  • Donate by Check – Please make checks payable to Elmbrook United, write “turf field donations” in the memo line, and mail to: P.O. Box 754 Brookfield, WI 53008

  • Donate by Cash – Please contact the Elmbrook United office at [email protected] for further details on how to donate via cash

Donate Securely Online

Wall of Sponsors

Stadium Field Sponsor + Jersey Sponsor
Exclusive Stadium Field naming rights for life of turf.
Center Field Logo in turf
Recognition on Donor Wall / Walkway
Recognition via EBU Social Media
Logo and Recognition on Elmbrook United Website
Company Logo on all game and practice jerseys
Company Logo & Name on Scoreboard
In-person marketing opportunities at all EBU Tournaments
Quarterly email marketing opportunities to all EBU families
Custom individual Dedications Available (Statutes, Plaques, etc)
Coming Soon
Stadium Field Sponsor
Stadium Field naming rights for life of turf.
Exclusive Industry partnership
In-person marketing opportunities at all EBU Tournaments
Center Field Logo in turf
Recognition on Donor Wall
Recognition via EBU Social Media
Logo and Recognition on Elmbrook United Website
Quarterly email marketing opportunities to all EBU families
Coming Soon
Sideline Sponsor I
$100,000 – $249,999
Company Name or Logo printed bordering the Sideline of the Turf Field (12.5 x 4)
Naming rights to existing full-size grass field (2 available)
In-person marketing opportunities at all EBU Tournaments
5 Year Partnership agreement
Exclusive Industry partnership
Company Name or Logo printed bordering the Sideline of the Turf (12.5 x 4)
Recognition on Donor Wall
Semi-annual email marketing opportunities to all EBU families
Coming Soon
Sideline Sponsor II
$50,000 – $99,999

Company Name or Logo printed bordering the Sideline of the Turf (25 x 4)
Naming rights to existing academy grass field (2 available)
Company Logo on Sideline of Turf Field
In-person marketing opportunities at all EBU Tournaments
5 Year Partnership agreement
Exclusive Industry partnership
Recognition on Donor Wall
Annual email marketing opportunities to all EBU families

Team Rehab Brookfield


EBU Community  
$25,000 – $49,900
Recognition on Donor Wall (Large Plaque)
Naming rights to existing U8 grass field (1 available)
In-person marketing opportunities at an EBU Tournament
5 Year Partnership agreement
SunAnt Interactive
EBU Pride  
$10,000 – $24,999
Recognition on Donor Wall (Large Plaque)

Soerens Ford

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Chusid

Allstate Insurance Agency

Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick Keyes

EBU Character  
$5,000 – $9,999
Recognition on Donor Wall (Small Plaque)
Coming Soon
Team EBU  
$1,000 – $4,999
Recognition on Donor Wall
Eric Ellsworth
Friends of EBU  
$500 – $999
Recognition on Online Donor Wall
Coming Soon
EBU Fun  
Recognition on Online Donor Wall

Rusty Brethauer

Derek Stettner

In Pursuit of Excellence